Norwegian to Cut Passenger Emissions by 24% over the next ten years

Norwegian airlineNorwegian airline.Photo Norway Today Media.

Norwegian plans to cut emissions per passenger by 24 percent by 2030. But the company depends on help to make it happen.

– Fleet renewal is the most important single measure we can take to cut our emissions today, says Norwegian’s sustainability manager Anders Fagernæs to NTB.

On Thursday, they presented a plan to cut CO2 emissions per passenger per kilometer by 45 percent by 2030, based on figures from 2010.

The measures follow from the goal of the UN Climate Panel to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. Therefore, emissions must be reduced by 45 percent by 2030 compared to 2010.

Require help
From 2010 to 2019, Norwegian has cut emissions per passenger per kilometer from 97 to 70 grams, which corresponds to 28 percent. To reach the goal of 53 grams in 2030, another 24 percent must be cut.

To achieve this, Norwegian is dependent on help, Fagernæs states.

– It is very important that we increase the production of sustainable fuel, he says.

The goal is for the company to use between 16 and 28 per cent sustainable fuel by the end of the decade, depending on the proportion of the fleet that is renewed. The target is up to 500 million liters of sustainable fuel by 2030.

Must facilitate
– We can set clear requirements and place orders for how much fuel we need. But the authorities must facilitate the development of a commercial market for this so that the price difference between sustainable and fossil fuels is closed, says Fagernæs.

The number of direct routes, how full the planes are, and how good flight data the pilots get along the way, are things that can help reduce emissions per kilometer, says the sustainability manager.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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