Have you got a bill from the insurance company that is higher than usual? It’s probably the new traffic insurance fee.
From 2018 the annual fee on cars will be replaced by a new fee to be collected by insurance companies on behalf of the state.
That means it has already begun to appear on invoices with those who pay for a full year at a time. The reason for it is that traffic insurance contributions are paid together with the liability insurance on the vehicle.
Finance Minister Siv Jensen told NRK news that the whole point is to make it easier and more flexible for those who have a car and motorcycle.
– Usually one must pay the full annual fee at once. Now we have made it so that you can split it up into monthly, quarterly or semi-annual installments based on what suits the consumer the best, says Finance Minister Jensen.
If you do not use the car throughout the year, you should not have to pay tax throughout the year.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today