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On average, every Norwegian ate almost 20 kilos of seafood last year

SalmonPhoto: Caroline Attwood / Unsplash

Last year, each person in Norway ate an average of 19.6 kilos of seafood. The figure is at the same level as the last two years.

“We mainly ate more of the typical everyday dinners such as fish cakes, fish gratin, and fish balls we in 2020. We bought 21% more fish cakes in 2020 than the year before,” marketing director Camilla Beck in the Norwegian Seafood Council stated.

As a result of the corona pandemic, Norwegians ate far more meals at home last year than before. 

A total of 105,095 tonnes of seafood was purchased for NOK 10.5 billion in Norway last year, an increase of 2.9% measured in value and 0.6% in volume.

Measured in volume, 82% of all seafood was purchased in grocery stores and fish shops.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayFinance

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