“Oslo air has improved,” the environmental bureau’s Lan Marie Berg (MDG) says. This means that the truck industry will avoid additional planned fees.
NRK writes that the city council has decided to postpone the tax indefinitely.
“This is a joyful day for us,” says regional manager Johan Kristian Bjerke in the Norwegian Trucking Association in Oslo, Akershus and Østfold.
He has worked for a long time to cancel the tax, which would apply to trucks without the most modern cleaning technology (Euro 6) – which should be on top of the tariffs in the toll roads. Extension fees should have been introduced last year but were postponed for one year to allow the truck industry more time to adjust. Now they are far from being sheltered.
“We do not need to introduce low-emission zones now. Oslo air has improved, and we see that our policy works by, for example, the toll roads had a very big impact,” says Environment and Transport Agency Lan Marie Berg.
According to recent figures from Fjellinjen, 43 percent of all heavy vehicles passing the toll stations have the modern Euro 6 technology.
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