Over the past seven years, the number of state jobs in 261 Norwegian municipalities fell by 9,000

Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB

Under the Solberg government over the past seven years, 261 of the country’s municipalities have lost more than 9,000 government jobs.

“From 2013 to 2019, there were 21,259 more government jobs in Norway. Nevertheless, the majority of Norwegian municipalities have fewer state employees now than they had when the Conservatives took over the government in 2013. This is shown by the government’s own figures,” parliamentary representative Bengt Fasteraune (SP) told newspaper Nationen on Thursday.

The ten largest municipalities in the country had a total of 12,895 more state jobs in 2019 compared to 2013. Oslo had 4,546 more state jobs in 2019 than in 2013.

“This describes a clear and unambiguous trend that we see in large parts of the country, that the non-central municipalities get fewer government jobs, while the most central ones get more,” the Storting politician from Nord-Gudbrandsdal warned.

Helleland: Good distribution of state jobs is important

Recently, Minister of District and Digitization Linda Hofstad Helleland (H) signaled that the government would intensify its work to get more state jobs in the districts.

“It is important that we have a good distribution of state jobs around the country,” Helleland told Nationen.

In the last two years, there have been fewer municipalities in Norway: the number was reduced From 422 in 2019 to 356 in 2020.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayFinance

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