Cod fishing finally profitable at Jan Mayen

Fishermen at work. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB scanpix

Profitable cod fishing at Jan Mayen for the first time in recent years

Loran has spent the last two months profitable fishing for cod and blue whiting at Jan Mayen.


According to a press release from the fishing and employers’ organization, Fiskebåt, it will be the first time in recent years that such fishing has been so profitable at Jan Mayen.

«Loran» arrived in Ålesund on Monday, with a catch of 300 tonnes of cod and 70 tonnes of blue whiting. This catch is worth up to NOK 12 million.

The shipping company sent catch tests to the Institute of Marine Research for analysis after the discovered fish during a trial in July.

These samples will clarify whether the cod at Jan Mayen is from its own stock, or if it belongs to an Icelandic / Greenlandic stock or if it is Barents Sea cod.

If the fish turns out to be Icelandic / Greenlandic, and it stays there over time at Jan Mayen, Norway will be entitled to a coastal state share of the stock.

Fishing boats have been in dialogue with the Ministry of Fisheries and the Institute of Marine Research on the vessel’s fishing at Jan Mayen


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