In 2016 seven people died in connection with shipping accidents in Norway. It is the lowest number of fatalities since the late 1980s, according to the Norwegian Maritime Directorate (NMD).
In 2016 the directorate’s accident database encompasses a total of 446 accidents at sea, compared to 499 the year before. The Number of shipwrecks was reduced to 16, from 22 in 2015, leading to nine fatalities.
We must go back to 2009 before we find a year with fewer shipping accidents than in 2016, while the number of injuries to people has not been so low since 1989.
– It is positive that the number of accidents is declining overall, and that the industry and the directorate are focusing on the issue, says Maritime Director General, Olav Akselsen.
More running aground
It is groundings and contact damages, collisions with piers or other ships, which make up the largest proportion of ship accidents, with fire as the third most frequent cause.
The directorate emphasises that to be fisherman is a risky business. Out of the 16 registered capsizing last year, ten involved fishing vessels, and of the seven deaths six were from fishing vessels.
All the involved fishing vessels were registered in Norway, and all who perished were Norwegian nationals. In 2015 only one man died as a result of the same.
Many fatal accidents involving fishing vessels
– Fishing vessels are historically involved in many fatalities, and we have a strong focus on accident prevention targeting the fishing fleet, says Akselsen.
It was recorded a total of 232 bodily harm in connection with last year’s total of 446 accidents reported at sea.
This constitutes a decrease of 30 compared with the year before. The Injuries is comprised of 41 percent impact and crush injuries, and 33 percent are due to falling down from height, the statistics from the NMD reveals.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today