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Ruter to begin ticket checks

Oslo.Bus.Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

The public transport company Ruter will begin with ticket controls in the Greater Oslo area, but at first, they will not be checking inside the bus, tram, and subways.

The control checks start up again because the company feels that the authorities are giving signals of a gradual opening up of society, reports Aftenposten.

– “We think it is natural then that we return to our normal operations,” says press officer Knut-Martin Løken to the newspaper.

The ticket check will be conducted outside before the passengers board, and the instructions to the inspectors state that they must adhere to strict infection control rules.

Ruter paused ticket controls because the company did not want to risk spreading infection when the stringent Coronavirus measures were introduced in March.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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