The export value of Norwegian fish and seafood increased by 23% last year, to 91.6 billion kroner, according to figures from the Norwegian Seafood Council.
The value of Norwegian seafood exports last year was 17 billion higher than in the record year of 2015.
Both aquaculture and fisheries experienced all time high prices in 2016. Demand was greater than the seafood industry can produce.
Despite the fact that the salmon industry produced smaller volumes than in 2015, revenues increased.
According to the communications director, Geir Håvard Hanssen, of the Norwegian Seafood Council, the growth is due to Norway’s unique position abroad as a seafood nation.
‘There is great demand for both salmon and whitefish. This doesn’t seem to subside. Meanwhile, production was lower during 2016, which led to higher prices, especially for salmon’, he told NRK news.
Poland, France and the United States were the largest growth markets for Norwegian seafood.
Traditional fisheries experienced their best year ever last year. In the district of the Mørekysten and Nordover, Norges Råfisklag traded fish to a landed value of 11.5 billion.
That is 20% above last year’s record, and the third consecutive year that the Norwegian fishing fleet had experienced an all-time record year.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today