The region ‘Indre Sogn’ may risk losing 578 jobs under the government’s planned regional reform.
The counties have been given until December 1 to discuss whom they would like to merge with. Parliament has decided that the 19 counties should be reduced to “about ten” regions.
The paper Klassekampen, writes that Sogn og Fjordane is among the most vulnerable in a merger, and in this case 578 jobs can disappear from the municipalities Leikanger, Sogndal and Luster.
It is then expected that 900 people will move from the area, says a report by the auditing and consulting firm BDO, delivered on behalf of the three municipalities.
– The government is throwing very many balls in the air simultaneously. It has serious consequences for the whole county, says the mayor of Leikanger, Jon Hakon Odd (Ap).
Parliamentarian Sveinung Rotevatn (V) believes regional reform is not the same as the closure of rural areas.
– I will work to ensure that we keep on competence. One should however look at the division of labor within the major regions, he said.
In the great debate over the merger, it appears that Oslo will be protected.
– I understand that Oslo will not let go of their privileged position, says Helge André Njåstad (FRP), the head of the municipal committee in Parliament.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today