South American tomato moth can wreak havoc among Norwegian tomato crops

TomatoesTomatoes.Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix
A new report, prepared by the Swedish Food Safety Committee (VKM) for the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, said that initiatives should be launched against tomato moths.
The species, recently discovered in Norway, is likely to cause major damage to the tomato industry, and targeted measures should be taken its spread, says the report.
The report continues that crops may be lost, and that the use of chemical and biological pesticides will increase if measures aren’t taken.
The tomato moth,  increasingly widespread in Europe, was first discovered in Norway in a nursery in Jæren in April. Since then, it has also been discovered by three other tomato producers in Rogaland.
The tomato moth, or tuta absoluta  (Latin name), seriously harms the tomato industry in countries where it’s established. From some countries, losses of between 50 and 100% have been reported according to VKM.
The moth can lay up to 260 eggs in its lifetime. The larvae attack leaves and stalks, and live larvae can be found on tomatoes. The moth doesn’t present a health hazard to humans, but is a little disturbing to  consumers.
The Norwegian Food Safety Authority doesn’t yet know how the moth arrived among horticulture in Rogaland.



Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today