Statkraft is pushing for climate-neutral EU
Statkraft believes that the EU should address climate neutrality by 2050 in its new long-term climate policy paper.
Statkraft chief, Christian Rynning-Tønnesen, Vattenfall chief, Magnus Hall and Fortum chief, Pekka Lundmark, made a joint statement when they met the EU climate commissioner, Miguel Arias Cañete, in Brussels on Tuesday, the day before the European Commission presented a proposal for a new long-term plan for climate policy in Europe.
In the statement, the three energy leaders agreed that the EU should raise the ambition level, and address emissions neutrality by 2050.
“We believe the EU should increase its ambitions in climate policy so that it really reaches the 1.5-degree goal. Then it must be emission neutral by 2050,” said Rynning-Tønnesen to NTB news on the way out of the meeting.
“We also think it’s realistic to achieve that goal,” he said.
In the new climate plan, it is expected that the European Commission will outline several alternative scenarios for climate policy in the coming years. It will then be up to the European Parliament and the EU member states to decide which level of ambition the EU is to take on.
Cañete himself wants the same the ambitions according to Rynning-Tønnesen.
“He expressed himself very much in agreement with us,” he said.
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