Statoil changes name to Equinor

EquinorPhoto: Equinor

Statoil changes name to Equinor

The board of Statoil proposed changing the company’s name to ‘Equinor.’


‘’The name Equinor combines ‘equi’,standing for equality, and equilibrium, and ‘nor’, which signifies a company proud of its Norwegian origins, wishing to use this actively in its positioning,”wrote the company in a press release.

“For us, this is a historic day. For almost 50 years, Statoil has served us as a great name. But when we look forward to the next 50 years, global energy conversion, and how we will develop as a broad energy company, it has become natural to change our name. The name ‘Equinor’ describes our origin, our values, and what we want for the future,” said Statoil’s CEO, Eldar Sætre.


© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

1 Comment on "Statoil changes name to Equinor"

  1. Mats Støen | 16. March 2018 at 22:14 |

    Hva faen skjedde med circle k? Jeg trodde statoil var en del av fortiden, men nå skal dere plutselig bytte navn? Dere skjønner at dette er provoserende?

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