Steward (Klubbleder) at TV2 predicts massive resignation

TV 2 logoBergen-TV 2 logo. Photo: Emil Weatherhead Breistein / NTB scanpix

Since employees do not seek severance packages in TV2, steward Henrikke Helland fears resignations. It has been announced that 113 FTEs will be lost.

In late September, TV2 channel announced that it will cut 177 full-time positions, including 64 who had been granted a severance package. Then there remained 113 resignation FTEs.

In a briefing to the Norwegian Union of Journalists Helland informed about the situation:

– There are no more who have sought severance package last month in TV 2, so we face now resignations in TV2.

We have been in discussions, and we disagree about the criteria.

For us, it appears that the company will use its right to manage and run the closed circuits greatly.

It’s going to be a pretty demanding in NJ concerning litigation, she informed Medier24.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today