The government will make life easier for small businesses


The government is proposing several measures to make everyday life a little easier for small and medium-sized businesses in this country.

The measures include introducing easier and faster web-based reporting, and simplifying laws and regulations. Together with simplifications the government has already introduced, they will contribute to cost savings of an estimated NOK 10 billion annually in the period from 2017 to 2021, according to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.

95 % of all companies in Norway have fewer than 50 employees. These companies face other challenges than the large, multinational companies. That is why the strategy is about making it easier to start, operate, restructure and renew businesses, says Minister of Trade and Industry Torbjørn Røe Isaksen (H).

The Ministry has relied on input from over 300 small and medium-sized businesses about what it takes to make their lives easier. The government wants to help companies “get better access to customers, stimulate increased innovation capacity and good enough access to expertise and capital,” according to a report.

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