The Majority of Parliament suggest discounts on parking for electric cars
The majority in Parliament is for the government’s proposal that electric cars should have a minimum of 50 per cent discount for parking at municipal parking spaces.
The Road Traffic Act and the parking regulations are now amended to ensure that zero-emission vehicles, ie electric cars, and hydrogen cars, must have a minimum of 50 per cent discount on parking compared to fossil-driven vehicles.
“We think it’s important with incentives to choose environmentally friendly cars and solutions,” says parliamentary secretary Helge Orten (H) to the Newspaper News Agency (ANB).
The proposal applies to paid municipal parking spaces. The proposal implies that the municipalities themselves can decide within a range between 50 and 100 per cent in discount.
Until 2017, owners of electric cars could park for free at municipal parking spaces. Since then, the municipalities have done it the way they wanted to, pending new rules.
When the Transport Committee at Parliament issued its recommendation recently, only the Center Party voted against it.
© NTB scanpix / #Norway Today