Minister of Fisheries Harald T. Nesvik will grant boats engaged in sale of shrimp and fish at the pier, exemption from the order to use a sorting net in shrimp fishing.
“I extend the rule for the Oslo Fjord to apply to all vessels engaged in pier sales in the south. The purpose of this is to safeguard a tradition, which is popular and an important element of the piers in the places where there is the possibility of buying shrimp and fish from local fishing vessels,” says Minister of Fisheries and Seafood Harald T. Nesvik (Frp).
Those applying for an exemption must have had pier sales as a significant mode of operation before December 1, 2018, in the same way as in the rules introduced in the Oslo Fjord in 2018.
“I am very pleased that the Minister of Fisheries has now listened to our input and that the shrimp fishermen in Stavanger will also continue with their traditional shrimp sales from the pier in the city,” says parliamentary representative Roy Steffensen (Frp) from Rogaland.
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