Sixty-seven percent of Norway’s hundred richest are heirs. In addition, only a fifth of those who are at the wealthy top, women.
The class struggle has gone through the tax lists of 2016 and analyzed Norway’s 100 richest measured in equation wealth. It shows that among the richest are two thirds of the heirs and half belonging to the Oslo area.
26 of the 100 richest are women. It represents a slight decline in the proportion of women from 2015, when it was 30 out of 100. In addition, women are almost exclusively heirs.
In 2016, the wealthy top had an average income of NOK 34.7 million. The women earned significantly less than men: 7.7 million compared with 44.2.
In terms of average fortune, however, there is no gender difference. The average women’s wealth is 1.89 billion against the men’s 1.88.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today