Virke suggests that fitness centers – gyms be opened sooner

Hurtigruten.MS Roald Amundsen at the quay in Tromsø.Fitness center in the spa department.Photo: Rune Stoltz Bertinussen / NTB scanpix

Virke believes that the Coronavirus closures the fitness centers around the country should be reopened, but Health Minister Bent Høie (H) says no.

The centers have been told to stay closed until June 15, but Virke believes opening can be accelerated to the first day of the month.

– “It is completely incomprehensible that they cannot open now. They have worked well with the infection prevention supervisors, there is little infection in the community, and now we are not allowed to open for sports and fitness in many other areas,” says CEO Ivar Horneland Kristensen to NRK.

He believes the two extra weeks will be very important for the industry.

– “An opening for the fitness industry next week will mean that 20,000 laid-off workers can return to work and that the industry will receive income for two weeks before everyone goes on holiday, which is low season,” says Kristensen.

Health Minister Høie tells NRK that they will open Norway gradually and that everything cannot, therefore, be opened at the same time. He also points out that only sports for children and young people will open on Monday, not sports for adults.

– “FHI is now doing a job for the government in assessing the opening of the fitness centers. We received a preliminary assessment of whether it could happen before June 15, and they did not recommend it. That is, we stick to that date,” says Høie.

All fitness centers have been closed since March 12.

© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

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