1,400 fewer people sent out of the country so far this year
The police have transported 3,714 people out of Norway so far this year. 879 of them were asylum seekers who have been rejected or who fall under the Dublin accord.
It sent out 5,140 people last year’s first eight months, against 3,714 in the same period this year. This corresponds to a decline of 28 per cent.
Of the 3,714, 2,735 were transported in the category of being expelled, 658 in the category with asylum rejection, and 321 in the Dublin category, the Police Immigration Unit (PU) reports.
So far this year, 1,433 persons with a criminal record have been transported out of Norway. This represents four out of ten of the total number of those transported.
1,368 persons with a criminal record were sent out in the same period last year, which represented one in four.
21 percent of those transported out due to criminal sanctions so far this year come from Romania, 13 percent from Poland and 9 percent from Lithuania.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today