A Norwegian-led consortium will build solar power plants in Iraq

Photo: Casey Horner / Unsplash

The Norwegian company Scatec is leading a consortium that will build two solar power plants south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

The plants will have a total capacity of 525 megawatts, the Iraqi Oil Ministry said on Thursday.

The plans will be located south of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad – one will be placed near the city of Karbala and the other near the ancient city of Babylon.

Construction will start as soon as possible, and take about a year, Abdelaziz Atribi, Scatec’s vice president for the Middle East and North Africa., stated In addition to Scatec, Egyptian Orascom Construction and Iraqi Abilal Group are also part of the consortium.

Iraq has also entered into agreements with the United Arab Emirates and French Total for multiple solar power plants.

Iraq is the world’s sixth-largest oil producer but is struggling with power shortages and constant power outages. The country currently imports electricity and gas from neighboring Iran.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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