A total of 480,000 Norwegians do not have a valid passport, which is a record number. In 2020, the police received 400,000 fewer applications than in a normal year.
Normally, the police receive approximately 700,000 passport applications each year, Unni Norum, acting section leader at the ID section of the Police Directorate, told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK).
That means that the backlog is large, and therefore the police now encourage people to book an appointment if their passport has expired.
The passport and ID offices are usually most active between March and July.
“We recommend everyone to apply well in advance. If you make sure to book an appointment before the end of the year, or early in the new year, we will be able to handle this in a good way,” Norum said.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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