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A woman in her 40s rode an electric scooter on the E18: “Not allowed”

Traffic - E18Photo: Ørn E. Borgen / NTB

A woman in her 40s will likely be fined after she was caught driving an electric scooter on the E18 at Tvedestrand on Sunday.

“It is not allowed to use electric scooters on the E18,” operations manager Tom Einar Gausdal told the newspaper Agderposten.

The Agder Police District tweeted about the incident on the high-speed motorway just before 2 AM on Sunday.

“Several reports of an electric scooter on the E18. Police patrol is heading to the scene to get control of the driver, a woman in her 40s. The woman has been transported away from the scene by the patrol.”

Note: The picture used is for illustration purposes only.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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