All students in upper secondary schools in Bergen must be tested for corona

Bryggen - BergenPhoto: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

All students at upper secondary schools in Bergen must be tested for corona. The schools have already received rapid tests for the 10,000 students.

“We will be able to carry out testing of all students on the first day of school. This is a good and important measure that we are happy to put in place,” director of education Bjørn Lyngedal in Vestland County Municipality told the newspaper Bergens Tidende.

On Monday, it became clear that the upper secondary schools would continue to operate at the red level after the Christmas holidays, despite the fact that the trade unions recommended a yellow level.

Lyngedal said he respects the authorities’ decision but that he would have preferred a yellow level in upper secondary school.

“A lack of logic”

“There is a lack of logic. The infection situation among students in upper secondary school is significantly better than the situation in primary school, which is at the yellow level. At the red level, about 50% of students will have home classes. It is unfortunate,” Lyngedal added.

State Secretary Halvard Hølleland (AP) in the Ministry of Education and Research told NTB on Monday that the yellow level does not work so well in upper secondary schools.

“In upper secondary education, students are mixed across many different subjects and classes during a school day, and the yellow level is thus in reality not an option for us now,” Hølleland said.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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