The Armed Forces awarded medals to former UN soldiers

medalOSLO.At the Akershus fortress there was a ceremony in the Fanehallen where the veterans were awarded the medal by Brigadier Ole Asbjørn Fauske and Lieutenant General Erik Gustavson. : Cornelius Poppe / NTB scanpix

Over 2,300 veterans received a medal, on Friday, for their efforts in the Unifil operation in Lebanon between 1978 and 1998.


The Armed Forces marked the anniversary in 32 different cities throughout the country. At the Akershus fortress there was a ceremony in the Fanehallen where the veterans were awarded the medal by Brigadier Ole Asbjørn Fauske and Lieutenant General Erik Gustavson.

In Easter 1978, Norway sent its first soldiers to the UNIFIL operation in Lebanon. It was the beginning of one of Norway’s largest contributions in international operations, with over 22,000 Norwegian soldiers who were serving in the country.

This year is 40 years since Norway contributed soldiers for the first time to the UN operation. It is also 20 years since the operation was completed.

Around 3,000 people attended the event on April 6th. Over 2,300 of them received the Armed Forces medal for international operations. The medal was not instituted until 2000, after the completion of the UNIFIL operation.

The defense Department states in a press release that there are still many veterans who have not yet received a medal for their service.


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