Blinken praises Norwegian contribution in Kabul: “Something we will never forget”

Photo: Olivier Douliery / Pool via AP

On Friday, Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide met her American colleague Antony Blinken, who praised the Norwegian effort in Kabul in Afghanistan.

Søreide was invited to Washington to meet Blinken. Afterward, they met the press, where Blinken highlighted the Norwegian contribution in Afghanistan.

“We see it in many ways, in many places, but also in recent weeks at the airport in Kabul where Norway led the field hospital that took care of those who were wounded in the terrorist attack. That is something we will never forget,” Blinken said, according to the newspaper VG.

He also pointed out how he spent a lot of time together with Søreide, both in Brussels and NATO. He also highlighted their numerous telephone conversations.

“It shows that our partnership with Norway is among the most important and vital we have,” Blinken said.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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2 Comments on "Blinken praises Norwegian contribution in Kabul: “Something we will never forget”"

  1. ““It shows that our partnership with Norway is among the most important and vital we have,” Blinken said.”

    Absolutely. WELL said, Tony Blinken.

    With his previous track record and after hypocritically (after Libya, etc.) trying to condemn the Chinese for human rights violations … and after the “soulless killer” remark a reporter got out of Joe Biden … I figured we were all soon doomed.

    But it seems SecState Blinken was a realist about Afghanistan, and I may – happily – have been wrong about him.

    And I know he supports John Kerry’s ultimate environmental mission.

    So there may be hope for all of us yet.

  2. My comment just posted on Washington Post under its article today, “Kabul’s airport re-opens for domestic flights — with no radar — as Taliban battle resistance fighters in last holdout”:

    Norwegian Foreign Minister Ine Søreide/Soreide was just in DC receiving SecState Tony Blinken’s personal thanks for Norwegian military doctors and nurses *heroically* staying in operation at Kabul airport recently and presumably saving many lives and easing much pain.

    “It shows that our partnership with Norway is among the most important and vital we have,” Blinken said.

    Or doesn’t Washington Post consider that newsworthy?

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