Up to five unexploded bombs may lie at the bottom of the fjord at Laksevåg in Bergen. Now that area is being cleared of explosives and covered.
Decades of industrial activity and a submarine bunker in Nordrevågen have led to widespread pollution. Now the defense building is being cleaned up, and 25,000 square meters of the seabed covered , reported NRK news.
Previously, several unexploded bombs have been found in the area, which was the target of a comprehensive British bombing raid in October 1944. Last winter, such a bomb was defused.
‘There are still three to five objects we are uncertain about which need to be investigated. It is possible there are more bombs there’, said section chief, Torbjørn Henriksen, in Probate Estate Environment, which is part of The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency (NDEA).
It has been revealed that 30 major objects lie on the seabed in Nordrevågen, but much of the detritus is simply rubbish.
On behalf of the NDEA, the Municipality of Bergen will clean up the area and cover the bottom of the ocean with stone and concrete, as part of a larger project for a cleaner Puddefjord.
Project manager, Gry Stenersen, of Bymiljøetaten, said they will avoid throwing up too much of the sediment from the bottom, which contains pollutants which over the years have built up from industrial activity in the area.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today