Head of the Traffic Police (UP), Runar Karlsen, says it is incomprehensible that motorists with summer tires are driving in such difficult driving conditions as in Eastern Norway on Monday.
-I am actually surprised that people choose to drive with summer tires.
– A warning was issued yesterday that there could be such conditions on the roads, and I therefore think that you should have a back-up plan instead of using your car, says Runar Karlsen, to P4 News.
The meteorological institute sent out a warning about difficult driving conditions on Sunday regarding several places.
On Monday morning eastern Norway was hit by snowfall and many traffic accidents were reported during the day. Police and the insurance company IF urged drivers to leave their car home if it has summer tires.
– As a driver you have a duty to ensure that the car has sufficient road grip. If not, leave the car or use the appropriate type of tire, says the UP boss.
Karlsen says motorists who still take the chance, can get a driving ban and be fined.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today