We burn less fire wood

timberTimber.Photo. pixabay.com

Wood burning has declined a little in the country, whilst the use of more environmentally friendly fuel has increased significantly.

Half of the dust emissions in Norway come from wood burning, reports Statistics Norway (SSB).

We burned in excess of 1.1 million tonnes of firewood in Norway in 2016. This is a slight decline from 2015. The calculations show that about 30,000 tonnes less was burned in homes in 2016 compared to 2015.

Consumption at holiday homes represented 21 per cent of the total Norwegian consumption.

According to family and household statistics, there were 2.3 million households in Norway in 2016. About half, 1.2 million, have wood fires in their homes.

That same year, 60 per cent of households used wood stoves with new technology. Ovens with new technology are more energy efficient than ovens with old technology, and they release less dust. Firewood in houses and holiday homes is the largest source of dust emissions.

Wood is still the most important source of energy for heating in Norwegian households after electricity.


© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today
