Corona infection in Norway increased by more than 50% last week

Airport corona testingPhoto: Gorm Kallestad / NTB

Corona infection in Norway has increased by as much as 53% in just one week, according to NTB.

Last week, a total of 2,187 new infection cases were reported in Norway, an increase of 53.2% from 1,428 infection cases the week before. 

NTB based its analysis on the national infection figures reported from the MSIS register just after midnight every day.

In Oslo, municipal figures show that the infection increased by 86.8% to 282 infection cases last week, up from 151 the week before.

The sharp increase in infection comes in the wake of the delta variant becoming dominant in Norway.

Delta effects

The National Institute of Public Health (FHI) stated in its latest risk assessment that the delta variant has a greater spreading ability than the alpha variant, which dominated until the summer. 

The delta variant is more contagious than alpha and also infects vaccinated people and people who have had COVID-19 before to a greater extent.

Vaccination, however, seems to protect well against hospitalization and death.

According to the FHI’s risk assessment, a surge in the pandemic is moderately likely in August and September, with 2,000–3,000 cases of infection per week.

The delta variant has also triggered a sharp increase in infection in many other countries.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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