A total of 43 new corona-infected people have been registered in Fredrikstad in the last 24 hours. This is a one-day record for the Municipality, according to NTB.
The Municipality stated that 36 cases are close contacts related to known cases, while six are cases of imported infection. In addition, one person has an unknown route of transmission.
Fredrikstad Municipality has registered high infection rates in recent days. According to municipal chief physician Lise Wangberg Storhaug, the increase has been greatest among children and young people, and many schools and kindergartens are now affected.
“With ongoing infection clusters in schools and kindergartens, we also expect high infection rates in the next few days.
“The infection does not spread in the same way in age groups that have been vaccinated, and we recommend everyone to get vaccinated as soon as possible,” Storhaug said.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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