Crown Princess warmly received by asylum seekers at Torshov

Oslo.Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit visited the Torshov transit reception Wednesday. Photo : Gorm Kallestad / NTB scanpix

The Crown Princess got an insight into how life manifests itself for asylum seekers in Norway when she visited Torshov transit center in Oslo.

During the visit, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit were given a thorough tour of the residence, they tasted Eritrean coffee and took part in some of the activities at the centre.
The Crown Princess then got to meet some of the many single men hiding behind figures and statistics on asylum arrivals to Norway.
– It is strong. Every single person here has a dramatic history behind them before they came to this transit reception. Here they are only a few weeks or months before they go on. It is a challenging stage of life they are in, and it makes an impression, said Crown Prince Haakon to the news channel.
– Facilitate
Two of the residents, Zerihun Wabi Gebremedhin and Ephratah Kahsu from Eritrea, had the responsibility to follow the princess around during the visit. The two have only been in Norway for three weeks.
– It is amazing to meet Crown Prince and Princess, Gebremedhin said.
The Crown Princess was impressed with what they saw during the visit.
– At the reception focus so much on what they can take with them on, I think is incredibly important. The confidence and respect they are faced with.
It is important that they are welcomed to Norway regardless of status, says the Crown Princess.
– They have a philosophy here where they say that it’s not about helping, but about adapting, so that every human being is seen with the resources he or she has. It is very good experience here, adds the crown prince.
– They see that it is an approach that works well both for those who are going to remain in Norway, and for those who will continue elsewhere.
– It means so much
Asylum and immigration policy is a festering political area, but the Crown Prince and Princess emphasized that it is important to learn about this part of the Norwegian society.
– That the Crown Prince and Princess choose to visit our transit center, means a lot to our residents. There’s something about being able to introduce themselves and the situation as it really is, says center manager Iris Hadziosmanovic.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today