Danish cultural life is reopening after a month of closure, even though the infection pressure in the country is still high. On Sundays, cinemas, theaters, concert halls, and museums will reopen their doors to the public.
The health authorities recommend an audience limit of 350 people, but the government has chosen to allow up to 500 people to participate in cultural events.
The relief also applies to zoos and amusement parks, so Tivoli can also reopen. In most places, people must show a corona certificate and wear a face mask.
However, the restrictions on nightlife have not changed, and discos and nightclubs will probably have to stay closed until January.
In recent days, Denmark has registered over 20,000 new cases of corona infection per day. On Saturday, more than 25,000 cases were reported. But at the same time, the number of corona patients in hospitals is declining.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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