Danish intelligence points to Russia as one of the biggest threats to the country

Vladimir PutinPhoto: Mikhail Klimentyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP

Russia is one of the biggest threats to Denmark’s security, the country’s intelligence service warns. 

A new security assessment from the Danish Defense Intelligence Service (FE) highlights Russia’s offensive behavior in recent years.

“Russia has a deep distrust of the West. That creates a risk of mistakes and unintentional military escalation, which could occur at very short notice,” the security assessment states.

Russia is a threat in several areas, according to the report. It is pointed out that Russia has carried out military rearmament near Denmark, that the country is behind offensive intelligence operations, and that it is carrying out cyber espionage activities.

“Russia is very concerned about Denmark by virtue of our geographical location and our membership in NATO. It is clear that the situation in the Baltic Sea, where there is a high level of military exercises, of course, raises concerns,” intelligence chief Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen told Danish TV2.

However, it is pointed out that it is unlikely that Russia will risk a military confrontation with NATO countries.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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3 Comments on "Danish intelligence points to Russia as one of the biggest threats to the country"

  1. The Danes looking for threats *externally*, are they?

    Meanwhile, “back at the ranch,” Peace Prize Norway *abstained* from voting for UN anti-Nazi Resolution 169!

    The U.S. and Ukraine were the only countries voting *against* anti-Nazi and anti-neo-Nazi UN Resolution 169!

    Our targeting of “far right extremism” in the West seems suspiciously “selective.”

    I cannot believe this. Basically, we Americans were set up by the East – note the sponsors – to show us and Ukraine as being evil, presumably for Russia to take/have the moral high ground for taking Ukraine.

    Sponsors: Angola, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Burundi, China, Comoros, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Viet Nam

    About 130 countries – including Israel, of course – and to its credit – voted for the resolution. https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3894841?ln=en

    The rest of Scandinavia did vote for it: Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, and Finland.

    40 … mostly Western … including Nobel Peace Prize steward Norway, to its shame … abstained.

    And because the neo-Nazis were instrumental in our 2014 Kiev coup and in keeping Ukraine’s coup government in power, Ukraine and we voted against it!

    The underlying anti-Ukraine motive for the resolution is *irrelevant*. This was an apple pie – if shrewdly poisoned one – issue. Our WW2 ETO dead and veterans (now mostly dead) must be rising in RAGE, from their graves and the bottom of the Atlantic.

    And besides its accusations of “genocide” – suppression of Russian language and culture which meets what is now the definition of that, thanks to the Left – Russia now has this additional, moral-historical hammer against Ukraine.

    Tony Blinken – much was made of his stepfather having survived the Nazi Holocaust, although Tony had pushed our neocon holocaust wars in Iraq, Libya, and Syria – supported this no-vote of ours?

    Our Western moral hypocrisy glares yet more harshly.

    And note the *sea change shift* in world alignment: 130-2-40.

    We Americans are risking world war in a world which now sees us as *certified* evil and will line up against us?

    MAJOR Russian diplomatic victory.

    And nowhere in the West that I can find, is it being reported! I only picked up on it from someone’s comment on Russia Today. (Amazing what you can pick up, monitoring the other side.)

    The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum must know about this, but says nothing? (Of, course, the USHMM also threw its support to (and thus made itself an accessory to) our 1999 war crime – Rambouillet Appendix B – Kosovo bombing war on the Serbs.)

    This is also final proof … after the Peace Committee turning its back on Julian Assange this year … that the stewardship of the Nobel Peace Prize should be transferred from Oslo to Rejkavik – the Icelanders voted for it, of course.

    By the way, my history masters thesis re: the Soviets’ 1940 Katyn (and other) Massacre(s) can be read at:

    Unbelievable. SAD.

  2. Corrected edition:

    The Danes looking for threats *externally*, are they?

    Meanwhile, “back at the ranch,” Peace Prize Norway *abstained* from voting for UN anti-Nazi Resolution 169!

    The U.S. and Ukraine were the only countries voting *against* anti-Nazi and anti-neo-Nazi UN Resolution 169!

    Our targeting of “far right extremism” in the West seems suspiciously “selective.”

    I cannot believe this. Basically, we Americans were set up by the East – note the sponsors – to show us and Ukraine as being evil, presumably for Russia to take/have the moral high ground for taking Ukraine.

    Sponsors: Angola, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Burundi, China, Comoros, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Viet Nam

    About 130 countries – including Israel, of course – and to its credit – voted for the resolution. https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3894841?ln=en

    40 … mostly Western … including Nobel Peace Prize steward Norway, to its shame, and the rest of Scandinavia … abstained.

    And because the neo-Nazis were instrumental in our 2014 Kiev coup and in keeping Ukraine’s coup government in power, Ukraine and we voted against it!

    The underlying anti-Ukraine motive for the resolution is *irrelevant*. This was an apple pie – if shrewdly poisoned one – issue. Our WW2 ETO dead and veterans (now mostly dead) must be rising in RAGE, from their graves and the bottom of the Atlantic.

    And besides its accusations of “genocide” – suppression of Russian language and culture which meets what is now the definition of that, thanks to the Left – Russia now has this additional, moral-historical hammer against Ukraine.

    Tony Blinken – much was made of his stepfather having survived the Nazi Holocaust, although Tony had pushed our neocon holocaust wars in Iraq, Libya, and Syria – supported this no-vote of ours?

    Our Western moral hypocrisy glares yet more harshly.

    And note the *sea change shift* in world alignment: 130-2-40.

    We Americans are risking world war in a world which now sees us as *certified* evil and will line up against us?

    MAJOR Russian diplomatic victory.

    And nowhere in the West that I can find, is it being reported! I only picked up on it from someone’s comment on Russia Today. (Amazing what you can pick up, monitoring the other side.)

    The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum must know about this, but says nothing? (Of, course, the USHMM also threw its support to (and thus made itself an accessory to) our 1999 war crime – Rambouillet Appendix B – Kosovo bombing war on the Serbs.)

    This is also final proof … after the Peace Committee turning its back on Julian Assange this year … that the stewardship of the Nobel Peace Prize should be transferred elsewhere.

    By the way, my history masters thesis re: the Soviets’ 1940 Katyn (and other) Massacre(s) can be read at:

    Unbelievable. SAD.

  3. Thank you for posting my comment, Norway Today.

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