Died after fall from 9th floor in Bergen

Block of flats. illustration Photo: pixabay.com

Person died after fall from 9th floor in Bergen

A person is dead after a fall from the ninth floor of a building in Vadmyrveien in Bergen, the police reports.


The police currently do not know the course of events. The person was confirmed dead on the spot.

– We investigate the case widely and have questioned witnesses on the spot. We hope we can clarify the case during the evening, Operating Manager in the West Police District, Hans-Eirik Thue informs NTB.

Three police patrols and emergency services are at present the scene, while forensics are on their way, he says.

The identity of the deceased is not yet confirmed.


Dog attacked people in Bergen – several tor emergency wards with bite injuries

Several people had to undergo medical examination after being attacked and bitten by a big dog at Fantoft in Bergen on Saturday.

– At least three persons have been sent to the emergency ward, possibly more. We are not in contact with anyone who has been bitten, says Operations Manager in the West Police District, Hans-Eirik Thue, to Bergens Tidende.

The police eventually got control of the dog.

– It will be seized and considered to be euthanized at a later date, says Thue  to VG.


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