Every third electric car in Norway is registered in one of the four big cities – Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, or Stavanger, a new overview from the Norwegian Automobile Association (NAF) shows.
The overview made by the NAF shows that there are around 111,000 electric cars in the four big cities. That constitutes over 20% of the car fleet in these municipalities.
In the 281 smallest municipalities in the country, which correspond to the four largest cities in total population, there are only 42,000 electric cars.
That is no more than a third of the number found in the four major cities. There, electric cars make up only 5% of the car fleet.
“The electric car is perceived in the districts by many as an immature technology, and that selection, prices, and range don’t correspond to the needs one has in the districts,” Camilla Ryste, communications manager at NAF, warns.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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