Fabius: – Norway is known for long-term policy

Oslo.Zero conference 2016.Frankrikes former Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius visit conference.Photo : Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix

Norway is known to build long-term policy, believes France’s former foreign minister Laurent Fabius who last year led climate summit in Paris.

He refers to the Norwegian oil fund and the amount of oil revenues achieved.

– It would not have been created without a long-term policy, says Fabius to news agency NTB.

Also in the fight against climate change it is very important to think far into the future, says the former foreign minister who on Wednesday attended Zero conference in Oslo.

Fabius led climate summit in Paris last year and played a crucial role when the Paris Agreement was negotiated. Norway has contributed in a very positive way in negotiations, says former minister, who believes that Norway is willing to provide financial support for climate action in poor countries.

In addition Fabius joined negotiations touch with Foreign Minister Brende, who has contributed to “convince” the other participants at the meeting.

Fabius said he guesses that there is a problem for Norway that the oil industry makes it difficult to cut their own greenhouse gas emissions, while supporting other policy measures to combat climate change.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today