The National Institute of Public Health (FHI) issued a clear recommendation to vaccinate everyone with Down syndrome in Norway who is 16 years and older.
Previously, people with Down syndrome have not been mentioned among the risk groups in FHI’s priority list, newspaper Klassekampen writes.
But now, the FHI emphasizes that people with Down syndrome can get vaccinated if they have neurological or muscle diseases that lead to reduced coughing power or lung function.
The clarification was included in the guidelines before the weekend under the section “Elaboration on risk groups.”
“Several studies show that Down’s syndrome increases the risk of a serious course of COVID-19. All people with Down syndrome who are 16 years and older are therefore given priority for vaccination,” it is stated on the FHI’s website.
The newspaper has previously revealed large variations among municipalities and districts when it comes to following the FHI’s priority list for risk groups.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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