FHI chief physician excited about new vaccine study: “Most of the epidemic in Norway could be over in July”

Preben AavitslandPhoto: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB

A new study of the vaccination effect in Israel is a sign of optimism for FHI chief physician Preben Aavitsland. He thinks that most of the epidemic in Norway could be over in July.

“These are insanely good results. A miracle,” Aavitsland told newspaper Dagens Medisin about the study.

The study shows, among other things, how the vaccine strategy in Israel has affected the spread of infection, COVID-19 admissions, and death in the population. 

According to the study, the vaccination seems to protect well over 90% against becoming infected, not just against becoming ill.

The vaccines are also 96.7% effective against COVID-19-related deaths and 95.3% effective against the British virus variant.

Exciting news

“The experience from Israel indicates that the vaccine protects against the British variant, which is dominant both there and in this country, if you vaccinate enough people,” Aavitsland said.

Israel is a couple of months ahead of Norway in terms of vaccination, which means that the study points to what Norway can expect, both in terms of individual and indirect protection.

“Israel is three months ahead of us. The vaccination program will have at least as good an effect in Norway. I think most of the epidemic is over in June or July. We can live quite normally from then on,” he told TV 2. 

At the turn of the year, Israel started mass vaccination of the country’s 6.5 million inhabitants over the age of 16.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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