FHI: If nothing happens to you 14 days after taking the AstraZeneca vaccine, you are likely not in danger

Geir BukholmPhoto: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB

If you have not had serious side effects 14 days after taking the AstraZeneca vaccine, you are probably not in danger of getting the rare course of the disease, the National Institute of Public Health (FHI) believes.

“We think you are out of the danger (zone) after 14 days. Then, it is unlikely that anything will happen. But this is based on the information we have on five patients, so there is quite limited patient material,” infection control director Geir Bukholm at the FHI told newspaper VG.

It has now been just over ten days since Norway put the vaccination of the AstraZeneca vaccine on hold after reports of a rare disease course in some of the people who had received the vaccine.

No association has yet been established between the severe cases of blood clots and the vaccine.

In Norway, six cases have been registered, which are now being carefully examined. Four people have been hospitalized, while two people who have received the vaccine have died.

The patients became ill between three and 12 days after taking the vaccine, according to the FHI.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "FHI: If nothing happens to you 14 days after taking the AstraZeneca vaccine, you are likely not in danger"

  1. HAH! 🙂

    “FHI: If nothing happens to you 14 days after taking the AstraZeneca vaccine, you are likely not in danger.”

    How very Norwegian. 🙂 Not to worry! … until German parachute troops are dropping in on you out of the skies out of the skies and …. 🙂

    So 14 days to sweat it out? The anxiety’s heart stress alone, might do me in. Plus, being in a high-symptoms-risk category – 74 with chronic/biennial bronchial pneumonia – just the AZ *vaccine* symptoms could very possibly kill me, so … nei takk. 🙂

    My son and daughter-in-law back in the States are taking the Moderna vaccine. We’ll see how that goes.

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