Flower shops in Oslo can reopen. The decision is aimed at reducing the flow of customers to other stores that offer cut flowers.
The Oslo City Council has decided that flower shops with a permanent point of sale and a turnover that mainly consists of selling flowers with a very short shelf life can remain open if the sales area does not exceed 250 square meters.
“Florists have a large proportion of cut flowers and other products that have a short shelf life. They, therefore, risk significant losses of inventory in the event of a closure,” Vice-Mayor for Industry Victoria Marie Evensen (AP) noted in a press release.
The City Council has emphasized that there is already a significant supply of flowers in kiosks, grocery stores, and petrol stations and that the opening of flower shops can contribute to a certain reduction of customer influx to these shops.
“I believe that it must be possible to reach out to the stores in this segment without significantly reducing the effect of the infection control measures that have been implemented,” Evensen said.
The reopening does not cover garden centers with significant elements of other products such as furniture, garden equipment, and plants with a longer duration.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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It takes me 30 minutes to get to Lillestrøm and then another 5-20 minutes to get to the Strømmen Storsenter where the public library and … stores … are. The library was open yesterday … they have patrons observing strict COVID protocols, and I suspect the staff have all been vaccinated, as public service personnel should be … but the shop advertising 5 200 gram chocolate bars for 100 NoK and the rest of the shops in the storsenter were being closed for COVID.
This is more than just an inconvenience.
In future, I’ll have to check the Storsenter’s website to see if it is being suddenly closed like this … again … but if there is no forewarning, there can and definitely should be such an announcement … in advance.