Focus on recycling: Solberg’s government presents new strategy on plastic

Plastic wastePhoto: John Cameron / Unsplash

According to the new plastic strategy, the Norwegian government wants to increase the amount of plastic that can be recycled and prevent plastic waste from ending up in nature.

“Plastic waste is one of the fastest-growing environmental problems of our time. It is a threat to life both in the sea and on land,” Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) said on Tuesday.

The plastic strategy presented on Tuesday sets forward the government’s policy and describes most of the measures that have been implemented, that are being implemented, or that will be implemented in the near future. 

“We must become smarter in the way we use plastic and in the way we handle the plastic when it becomes waste. We must prevent plastic waste from ending up in nature,” Solberg warned.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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