Food festivals in Norway, 2018
These food festivals are a “must” this summer. Here is the overview of this summer’s food festivals, be it in Vesterålen, Oslo, Bergen or Stavanger.
One of the best things about the Norwegian summer is all food festivals that are organized across Norway. On Wednesday the Gladmat (Happy Food) Festival in Stavanger opened, attracting up to 250,000 visitors during the four days the event lasts.
This year, like last year, we have made an overview of when and where a selection of festivals is organized. So now it only remains to get the roomiest pants out of the closet and whet the appetite:
When: 18. July – 21. July
Where: Stavanger
What: Gladmat refers to themselves as the leading food festival not only in Norway, but the whole Nordic region, and is held for the 20th consecutive year. In the past, as many as 250,000 people visited the festival every year, which boast about 100 different exhibitionists. Here you will find both food courses for children and youngsters, senior lunches, cooking contests and concerts.
- Renaa’s ice cream, expensive, but oh so nice. Photo: Pieter Wijnen / Norway Today Media
- Water is important in the heat, too. Photo: Pieter Wijnen / Norway Today Media
- One of the many food tents selling local & exotic food during the Gladmat 2018. Photo: Pieter Wijnen / Norway Today Media
Trøndersk Matfestival and Bryggerifestivalen
When: 2. – 4. August
Where: Trondheim
What: Each year, these two festivals are held in Trondheim simultaneously. At the food festival, you will find 150 exhibitors who present local food from Trøndelag and the surrounding areas. The Bryggeri (Brewery) Festival is revolving around – you’ve guessed it – brewing of beer. 20 breweries are in attendance, according to their website.
When: 9. – 12. August
Where: Mandal
What: If you love shellfish, this is the place for you. The Skalldyr (shellfish) festival will be held for the 30th time this year, and there will be a food market, a cooking school for children and not in the least, the World Championships in peeling of shrimp, according to their site.
Den Norske matfestivalen
Where: Ålesund
When: 23. – 25. August
What: During three days you will be able to experience both street markets with a lot of different exhibitors, what is referred to as “the world’s largest whale restaurant” and a children’s food festival at the Norwegian food festival, which claims to be the oldest of them all.
Water is important in the heat, too. Photo: Pieter Wijnen / Norway Today Media
Vesterålen matfestival
Where: Vesterålen
When: 24. August – 1st September
What: This festival was inaugurated in 2010 and is held all across Vesterålen: The festival market is held at Sortland and you can participate in cooking in Årnessan – to name but a few. So here’s it is just to prepare for lots of exciting experiences.
Bergen matfestival
Where: Bergen
When: 31. August – 2. September
What: Bergen Matfestival is arranged on the Koengen for three days around the transition between August and September. During the food festival you will be able to experience food from local producers, have a look at Norway’s longest cheese table, and the kids can participate in exciting food activities – to name but a few.
Where: Oslo
When: 7. – 8. September
What: Last year there were about 230,000 people visiting Matstreif (Food Stroll), which are held in front of the City Hall and at Aker Brygge in Oslo every year. Maybe not so strange when there are 250 exhibitors and 29 breweries attending. In other words, it will be enough to taste during this year’s Food Stroll.
Do you have any tips for other worthwhile food festivals in Norway? Feel free to share in the comments!
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