Fremskrittspartiets Ungdom (The Progress Party Youth – FpU) want public scrutiny of what is being taught in Norwegian mosques, to assess whether mosques are what they describe as a ‘radicalising arena.’
FpU will propose a draft resolution to the Progress Party’s national convention in early May, reported Vårt Land.
‘Today, Norwegian authorities pay close attention to ideas promoted on various online forums (…) But we have little overview of the attitudes that arise in closed Islamic faith circles’, it says in the proposed resolution.
‘Most within the religion are peaceful, but if we find a mosque preacher leading others toward radicalisation, the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST), and the police could intervene and break up extremist groups’, said FpU chairman, Bjørn-Kristian
The draft resolution notes that Denmark has an ideological mapping of their mosques.
‘We wish for information about radicalisation, the road to extremism and terror. Ex-Islamists say that mosques are a recruitment arena’, said Svendsrud.
The party’s immigration policy spokesman, Mazyar Keshvari, said he expects majority support for the proposal, since it is in line with Fremskrittspartiet’s (FrP) policies and previous decisions.
FrP will hold its national convention at Gardermoen from the 5th to 7th of May.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today