Gunhild Lyse from Sunnmøre turned 108 years old. She was Norway’s oldest person until she died earlier this week.
“It was not unexpected; she was old… She became weaker and weaker, and suddenly it was over,” her eldest son, 81-year-old Per Ivar Lyse, told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK).
According to the channel, his mother was Norway’s oldest person.
More and more people are living longer than before. However, there are differences between the regions. People in Vestland live the longest, and those in Finnmark live the shortest.
“The way to a long life is to stay in shape, be in a good mood, and drink cod liver oil in the winter. Aside from that, it is also good to solve crossword puzzles and stay active,” the now-deceased 108-year-old told the local newspaper Nyss when she was interviewed last summer.
Gunhild Lyse will be buried in her home village of Stranda next week. Norway’s eldest person leaves behind three children, six grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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May this great lady and mother rest in peace.
My Aunt Betty is 104. She was the 5th daughter of 6 girls and then finally! my Uncle John. She was/is the liveliest – most vivacious – of all of them, always with a mischievous (but very wise) twinkle in her eye.
At 190cms/6-4 Dad had been a then-towering (but slower) high school basketball star, and Mom gleefully remembered always yelling “Get the lead out, Coatney!” at the games. Short Mom was considered very pretty and VERY intelligent. Dad got passing grades thanks to basketball and his personality. Both were from poor families devastated by the Depression.
Comes the evening of the first big date! when they were new students at the business/community college, and Dad comes to Mom’s front door to be met by AUNT BETTY who had been starlet quality in high school, while Mom was upstairs getting ready.
Aunt Betty invited Dad in but he very shyly declined, whereupon she (mischievously) turned and SHOUTED up the stairs, “Grace! Bob is here, and he’s still SCARED of me!” 😈
Needless to say BOTH Mom and Dad were totally mortified/embarrassed … and instantly BONDED … which I have suspected was Aunt Betty’s ulterior intent. 🙂
(I pulled something like this with my kid sister and her first (and sadly prematurely lost) husband, and I have 4 nephews and a dozen grand nephews and nieces to show for it. 😎)
Gunhild Lyse must have been at least as lively, leaving stories for her family to treasure too. (Hopefully, they have been written down before they can be lost.)