Hareide asks Solberg to clarify regarding human rights

Knut Arild Hareide Joker Krf human rights Christian Democrats HolidaysKrF Leader, Knut Arild Hareide. Photo: krf.no

Hareide asks Solberg to clarify regarding human rights

Norwegian Ministers can never disregard human rights, says Christian Democratic Party leader Knut Arild Hareide, and asks Erna Solberg clarify the Conservatives stance.


– Presently the Progress Party (Frp) openly state that they want to challenge human rights conventions -It is scary that they now want to disregard international frameworks. It violates basic Norwegian rules of law, writes Hareide on his Facebook account. The backdrop of the response from the KrF leader is that Minister for Immigration, Sylvi Listhaug, states that asylum seekers who come to Norway without proper ID or identity papers will be contained in closed reception centres until their identity has been confirmed.

– We will be in control of who is in our country, Listhaug told NRK on Thursday.

Adapt the regulations

The initiative was defended by Progress Party leader Siv Jensen during a debate on NRK’s Political Quarter Friday morning.

The Progress Party is very committed to human rights, but ask you to remember that many of the international conventions were made in another era. We must be able to adjust the rules according to the dangers and challenges that surround us, says the Progress Party leader.

At the same time, she said that it was not a question of violating human rights.

– Norway must dare to challenge international conventions, without the intent to break them. As a nation, we should have the right to safeguard our citizens from dangers.

– It’s not very controversional to say that people we do not know who are, people we do not know anything about or their background should be controlled, Jensen states.

Challenges the Conservatives

Hareide agrees that it is important to know who stays in Norway

– KrF will of course do everything we can to clarify the identity of those who come to this country.

We need to know who is in Norway. It concerns security. But we can not and will not bypass human rights to achieve this, ever.

He is now challenges the Prime Minister to clarify the Government’s view on human rights.

– A Conservative party that can live with this kind of rumblings from a FrP Minister, is not the Conservatives that we recognize. – I challenge the Government’s leader, Prime Minister Erna Solberg, to conclude that there is no doubt that the Government will adhere to the international human rights conventions, Hareide says.

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