Heat wave over Norway becomes even hotter
The extreme heat over southern Norway does not end yet. The forecasts indicate that the heat wave will strengthen and not reach peak level before Thursday next week.
Earlier this week, the heat wave looked to peak during the weekend. Forecasts now predict that it’s not over yet – but that the heat turned up a notch or two on Monday and Tuesday, and that Thursday next week may see the peak of the heat wave.
– I think we safely can call it a heat wave now, says Energy Metheorologist in StormGeo, Frode Håvik Cornelius to VG.
Nine degrees Centigrade above the norm
– We have temperatures in southern Norway which are seven, eight or even nine degrees above the norm. It is very rare that this happens and it is extreme. During winter, we had similar extreme cold spell with up to ten degrees below the norm, he points out.
May month now breaks almost all records – the month has been characterized by a lot of sun and high pressure weather, which has led to ever increasing temperatures. All of southern Norway is in the process of setting heat records.
– What’s happening now is that we have particularly favourable low pressures and high pressures that carry large quantities of hot air from southern Europe and Africa towards us.
This hot air, which normally covers the southern part of the continent, now extends all the way to Scandinavia. So far we have only got a sniff of this, but now the maps show that the hot air will spread throughout southern Norway, and last longer than the forecasts have previously shown, says Håvik Korneliussen to VG.
Western Norway is also feeling the heat
The heat wave is already well established over Eastern Norway, and will still be able to increase somewhat over the weekend and far into next week. But in Western Norway, the heat has not been so strong so far – and here people will be able to experience a jump in the temperatures over the weekend. Some forecasts show as much as 28 degrees in Bergen next week.
The only thing that can reduce the very high temperatures expected next week is that it gets too hot, causing unstable air and thunderstorms with heavy rainfall.
– That would cool things down, he says.
What about June? Experienced State Meteorologist Bjart Eriksen is starting his own company – Metconsult – which specializes in long-term forecasts.
Decent June
He does not believe in a June with low pressure following low pressure and nasty weather in southern Norway, but rather on quite decent weather:
– For June as a whole, the forecasts indicate a moderate high pressure, ie not as dominant high pressure as we have seen throughout May, but no classic low-pressure situation either. Temperatures will approach the norm. Much indicates that we can have periods of northerly wind, lower temperatures than at present, but still good weather, especially in Eastern Norway.
He is building his monthly forecast on American models, but also on the big weather systems:
– Among other factors, there is a fairly stable high pressure in the stratosphere covering the Arctic, which in position and shape is such that it favours high pressures in Norway, says Eriksen.
Warns of change
An overview of where there is the most rainfall around the Equator at any time – and which has also been shown to have impact on our latitudes – also favours little rainfall over our areas in June.
StormGeo’s Frode Håvik Korneliussen nevertheless believes we will see a transition to another type of weather during June:
– All models show transition to more low pressures coming our way. Sometime between 10 and 20 June we will have a low pressure situation, although it is uncertain how dominant and durable it will be, he says.
NOTE: In Finnmark and Troms, there are reports of bad weather and high waves, the Meteorological Institute notifies.
You can check the weather on Pent.no.
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