During the last weekend rescue team has received around 109 cases called “Search and rescue mission.” It was in other words a busy weekend for the 50 operational rescue boats around the country and in addition there have been a number of assistant missions.
– The range is huge and is covering from searching for missing to clean assistance missions. Fortunately there have not been any serious accidents so far in July and we hope the trend continues, said Thomas Skarstad, maritime leader in rescue team.
120 more jobs in June
Thursday morning it did not take long before the first phones came into the rescue boat Stormbull in Stavern. Someone had rope in the propeller, while others affected by weather and wind conditions along the coast of Vestfold.
– We note that we have less to do than what we have had in previous years. Why I’m not quite sure, but there has been some bad weather in recent days. With less traffic means less to do, says Ruben Langseth, master of rescue boat Stormbull.
Nationwide rescue boats used 120 times more in June than the same month last year. Also so far in July it has been busier than usual.
– We have become better to be available and asked people to contact us anyway so the threshold is getting lower and lower.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today