Ubaydullah Hussain appeals the sentence of nine years in prison for terrorist recruitment and participation in ISIS, his defense counsel John Christian Elden states.
The verdict is appealed both in terms of the question of guilt and sentencing, Elden told Aftenposten.
The 31-year-old was in the Oslo District Court sentenced for one out of two cases of terrorist recruitment and participation in ISIS, and for having provided financial and material support to the extremist group.
He was also convicted on several other counts, such as threats and retention of a stun gun. A 20 year old man was sentenced to two years and ten months in prison for attempting to join ISIS in the same court case.
– It is now up to the District Court whether the case should be readmitted, as no single item in the verdict is so serious that more than six years in prison applies.
He has therefore not automatically entitled to an appeal hearing, but we assume that since it is the first time the law has been applied, and that it far reaching with regards to what a membership in ISIS is, I expect that it will be reviewed anew, Elden stated to Aftenposten.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today
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