Minister of Justice and Immigration Jøran Kallmyr (Frp) will consider making it more difficult for Norwegian men to bring women from abroad to Norway.
In order to prevent foreign women from being exploited by Norwegian men, the government will consider specific measures that will help the relevant group to wait long before they can fetch new women from abroad, NRK reports.
– “We need to look at several things, but what may be relevant is a form of quarantine,” says Kallmyr.
The statement comes after it became known that several shelters find that Norwegian men deliver their foreign wives at the door when they “finish with them”.
– “Too many persons experience a life of physical and mental violence when they move in with their Norwegian husbands. After a period they are thrown out,” says Svein Gjerseth, head of the Telemark crisis center.
About ten women come to the crisis center in Skien every year, who say they have been thrown out of the house. Many of them are from Thailand and the Philippines.
2,818 people came to Norway to live with their Norwegian or Nordic partners In the period January to September this year, figures from the Directorate of Immigration show.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today

Norway must thoroughly review policy re immigration of folks from e g usa who are married to norwegian citizens. As it is now the situation reminds me of henry 8th of england vs pope. A husband or wife of a norwegian is in an invidious condition, dependant upon the continuation of the marriage for continuing to be in norway—a subserviant atavistic absurdity. It is not for the best of norway, and makes norway an international fool. The interpersonal implications are obvious to people who think. By the way, i hear on NRK news that UDI is at last doing something about the similar problem, i e, Norwegian men exploiting Thai females by marriage and dumping.
That ‘s correct.
There is a number of norwegian assholes around.
YES to serious measures! NB:
(Not all Norwegian men abuse and exploit their foreign women)
Yes serious measures ought to be put in place to avoid and stop any form of expliotation or abuse of some foreign women by some Norwegian men who treat some foreign women horrible or as slaves yet they wouldnot dare treat a Norwegian woman like that for even an hour. They know what they are doing is very wrong and not acceptable in the Norwegian society but she is a foreign poor woman (tripple minority(burden) i.e no serious consequences to the abuser. However we ought to look at individual cases as measures should as well ensure that others(normal relationships) are not restricted to marry whoever they want by the same restrictions. Measures can look at individuals who bring 1-3 women from abroad and all end at the Crisis centers because of the same abuser(man)
Also some people may remain in very abusive relationships until it is too late because of the restrictions of how long you must stay married before you get permanent residence and the like (used as a threat by the abuser). This requirement ought to be revised to a certain extent.